Saturday, August 23, 2014

8-23-14 It's muggy outside but I'm still using the Fish Magic!

I took these pictures last Saturday and this is the first time I've had to share. This week has been hectic for me. I fertilized Sunday and Tuesday. It's been mid to upper 80's and muggy in the evenings. My friends at Ripple Rock Fish Farms dropped off another gallon. I have used 5 gallons since I started this project.

I friend suggested that next year I use standard measures and circumference. Great idea!

I cut an amazing bouquet this morning! My perennials are tired and faded. As Nita would say, "I need to give them a good haircut:)

Put this pansy in as a start in late April. Hanging basket.

Put these zinnias as starts on May 18.

New (late May/early June) coneflower. Lost an established Shasta Daisy in this spot. Only 1 daisy bloomed.

The front bed. What a crop of cleome!

Love these (miniature) sun flowers and zinnias. Threw seeds on the ground in late May!


Volunteer cleome!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

8-14-14 Didn't water, Didn't catch anything

Had to post some pics in late afternoon (6:30 ish)...

The glad in the zinnia bed finally bloomed!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

August 13, 2014 Used the Fish Magic

Just came in from applying the FPP. I went a little heavier due to 74 degree weather and 2 days of strong rains.

Crusty is guarding the house across the street.

The containers look 'burnt out' or they have bursts of joy (allysum on the porch are happy).

I loaded the trap with pb & strawberry preserves.

It was late evening, but I took a few pics of the beds. The new rudebekia looks good. Can you believe the height on the cleome!

I love the red and white zinnias.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 9, 2014 Raccoon in the house!

What an experience!

I've been hearing animals (not cats) in the room next to my bedroom since early July. The room where I feed the cats is connected. I suspected that it was raccoon in the house, but didn't investigate. It's always after I go to bed. (Side note - I didn't realize that raccoon is a plural!)

Last week I hardly slept ...

Monday night (late) - woke to sound of breaking glass? Got up, turned on lights, found 2 broken ceramic dishes by the fridge, and 2 raccoon by the cat food. Opened a door and they went out.

Tuesday - woke up to a front room that looked like animals had been chasing each other across the top of the furniture.

Wednesday night (late) - woke to noises in the dining room (middle of house/bedroom at back). Got up, turned on lights, found 2 large and 1 smaller raccoon in the dining room. One large one got up on his back legs and hissed at me!

Friday night (late) - heard them but didn't get up.

Sunday - borrowed a box trap from a friend. Baited it with old cat food.

Monday morning - Caught my cat, Stoney.

Monday night - baited it with apple/peanut-butter

Tuesday morning - Caught an opossum. It died in the trap before the Elders could come by to help. They stopped by about 9 p just as it started to rain. They were able to get the body out of the trap and into a trash bag. I heard the shout, "Don't be such a girl!", at one point in the transfer :) The trap was baited with the other half of Monday's apple/no pb.

Wednesday morning - no catch. Holly heard that they like strawberry jelly. I went to the store and bought strawberry preserves. Baited the trap with 2 'fold-over' pb & strawberry preserves sammies.

Thursday morning - Raccoon in trap. "Floyd's Raccoon Removal" stopped by to take him to freedom. I went to Coshocton and had dinner/movie with a friend. She took me to Rural King and picked up 2 traps (1 large/1 mid) for $25 on a tip from Dr. Wahl :)

 Cut this bouquet to take to Alex. Got back too late to set the trap.


Friday night - Trimmed the cone flowers. Baited the trap w/pb & strawberry sammies again.

Crusty is such the diva!

Planted this beautiful rudebekia in the front.

Saturday - Caught another coon. I took it and set it free near a corn field :)

Here is a pic of where I've been setting the trap. The cat door (their entry to the house) is at the bottom right of the picture.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

August 2,2014 Yes, I do need about 6-8 more bags of mulch:)

It's a rainy day. 75ish and a gentle rain.

I took pics of the whole back bed by the tree. A friend asked if I really needed 8 more bags of mulch and these pictures answer the question.