Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28, 2014 Vibrant and Tall

Traci and Craig, my source for Fish Magic ... , have both asked if I need more, yet.

Yesterday, Craig was surprised when I told him that one gallon did explode, but I still have about a gallon and a half left. Many of my plants are in small containers and I don't want to apply too much. This means that I water every other day. I apply about a 10 count depending on the plant or container.

Today's pictures show the vibrancy of the colors.

I just had to rotate this one after I saw the perfect alignment of the bees! What a great smile!

Not sure why, but I love this corner.

Snap, pansy, snap

Tropical hibiscus given to me as a memory plant when Grandma Edna passed away 5 years ago.
I take it in in late fall-late spring. It usually blooms in January inside.

My cleome field.

Found this baby sunflower under the steps.

My helper, Crusty.

Yes, it's a morning glory. I had to keep a few:)

Sunday, July 27, 2014

July 27, 2014 Looking out my kitchen window

Today was Sean's homecoming. It is overcast now/raining earlier. I had to take pictures out my west window of the neighbor's black-eyed Susan's and Gloriosa Daisies! This is the view from my kitchen window!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

July 24, 2014 Sunflowers, zinnia and cleome

Today is my sister Peggy's bday - Happy, happy!

It is a beautiful day outside - 74 with blue skies. Of course, that means I will have to water later. We didn't get rain last night. The potted tomato is struggling, but the sunflowers, zinnias and cleome are tall and full.

I've included pics of the sunflowers, zinnia and cleome. The sunflowers and zinnia were thrown as seed. The cleome are mostly volunteers. These were taken about 9:15 a.m. today. are slow to load today...I'll post them later.

Here they are ...

 Stoney (Stone Bluff Kitty) helped w the pictures. He didn't want me to go to work, so he didn't cooperate for the picture. (I agree!)

I hear that instead of "Fish Magic" someone suggested "Fish-it!

Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21. 2014 The back bed around the tree

Today went from overcast to hot and humid!!

Shawn weed whacked and mulched the back bed. I took pics after I planted the "rescue plants" that I bought at WalMart. It's not supposed to rain until Wed, but I fertilized anyway.

Talked later w/ Shawn. It took 5 bags of mulch to cover this small area.It could probably use another 8 bags!

The young men from church did the first cleaning of this bed this season. It was full of poison ivy and sumac? The adult leader had to use steroids to reduce the swelling in his arm and hand. I've sprayed poison chemicals on the poisons and haven't had more than a mild outbreak on my face.

Yes I added the purple plant today.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

July 19, 2014 Side bed and first sunflower

So, I had to share a few more pictures of today. It's 3 p. and overcast, 69 degrees. I painted an edge for the back bed (my next work area). Shawn is going to hit it again w/weed kill and mulch it, so I can start over. I'll show you pictures as I go.

Here is a bed that I completely ignored. No Fish Magic. Limited weeding. Fennel, chives, glads, lemon balm and tiller that I found.

I also had my first sunflower bloom today. It was thrown from seed with the zinnias.

Crusty helped :)