Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Created for More - Day 5 - Slow Down

If you're reading or have read Created for More, you'll know that Day 5 isn't "Slow Down", it's be curious. So why "Slow Down"?

Work is hectic, COVID 19 is ramping back up, President Trump makes major (ill-advised!) announcement about schools...

Day 2 was Be Limited. I read, pondered, and of course tried to think of an application or literal example. Humble was easy! I'm now seeing how focused these suggestions are for artists and I don't consider myself one although I am always inspired by other's art. I recognize beauty and creativity and celebrate interests and values.

But there's a little black and white in my grayness and I couldn't quite wrap my head around Be Limited.

Be A Dancer made me smile. What a lovely thought to be a dancer with God. I always say I "play" in my yard rather than "work". Now I can say I'm dancing with God as I follow his lead! And oh how I've always wanted to "Be a dancer" but never developed the skills. My sister used to say she went to "dance recitals" while I went to "brain banquets". Now I can say I'm a dancer!!!

Be Intentional - wow, is that an attribute I've followed (intentionally) for many years. A national organization I belong to has championed intentionality in the classroom, especially when working with young children. I talk about it in class and have tried to apply it in my daily practices.

So now it's almost 4 p.m. on day 5 and I haven't read the entry yet. For heaven's sake, I didn't read Day 4 until almost 9 last night! Today as I started my morning walk, I'm appreciating the squirrels, rabbits and sunshine. I'm pondering the first 4 days and my frustration over Day 2 when suddenly I'm struck by the phrase - Slow Down!

What?!? But this is supposed to be a daily devotion. I agreed to "follow the rules". I don't want to fail myself and others! I even shared the "Be a dancer" thought with someone at work yesterday when they commented that "God is smiling on you" and then found Be Intentional which is already a practice.

But SLOW DOWN is my today. My representation is a video of a performance of the song, Slow Down that I was able to experience at a concert last summer. Yes, I was part of the audience that stood after this performance. If you don't know the vocalist Sissel, you should search for her!

Maybe my "day" measure doesn't have to be 24 hours?

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