Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 27, 2014 Beautiful day

It's a beautiful day. We've had some cool nights, but it's back to no rain, 80 in the afternoon, 50 at night. There are fleas in the yard (not unusual). I'm going to do the pills, drops, bombs, etc. in the house. The boys (cats) won't be happy.

Attending a wedding this afternoon.

Sister and sister-in-law are doing well.

Stoney is happy on the porch:)


  1. Amazing flower garden! You should look at purchasing a Ozone generator for treating pests in your house versus using toxic chemicals. Many of the toxic chemicals used in Insect sprays over time will bio-accumulate in your Cats and yourself which can lead to health issues. Below is a study done by Purdue regarding the use of Ozone against Pests. Best of luck. ;)

  2. Thanks Michael,
    I was able to stop it after treatment by using a "Flea Beacon". It's like a sticky night light. I've only had to change the basement strip. The cats are chemical free since the purchase!

    I bought it from I wasn't expensive especially when you consider what I was spending on pills and drops!
